Tuesday 1 April 2014

Gig: Wild Beasts, The Albert Hall, 26th March

I like Manchester, I like live music, so a gig in that city worked out pretty well.

Wild Beasts are one of those bands that you hear the songs of and like but never really delve any deeper, well, that's how they've been for me. Over the last couple of albums I've listened to a couple of songs here and there and really liked them but for some reason never given the albums a chance in full. For this reason, I was kinda worried about going to the gig, I'm the gig goer that wants to be a mega fan and know the words to every song, the one who can feel a bit smug "yes I know every lyric", but instead I was thinking I was going to be one of those audience members miming along pretending to know (argh)

But it turns out I knew more songs than expected - PHEW - especially from their latest album: Present Tense.

If you haven't been to it before, the Albert Hall is an amazing venue, not only does it have a nice bit of character and charm that a lot of big modern venues seem to miss out on, but the stage is raised, meaning even when you get that 6ft 10 guy standing directly in front of you, you can still see the band, well at least some of them, which is a a nice little bonus.

I hadn't really gone to this gig with any expectations, I was looking forward to it, because there's nothing more I enjoy than live music, but I didn't think I would be as impressed or amazed as I ended up being. Wild Beasts were utterly incredible, not only musically and vocally, but the whole performance, from the lighting to the atmosphere.

Stand out songs included old faves like: all the kings men and lions share but also new faves like: mecca and pregnant pause. This band deserves more success and praise than they are yet to receive.

Here's some samples:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxN_DawtOw  - if they're good enough for Joolsy...!

I hope I see them live again soon.

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