Monday, 2 June 2014

Gig Review: Mutual Benefit, Deaf Institute - Manchester

I discovered Mutual Benefit on the Pitchfork website... trendy.

When I heard their song 'Advanced Falconry' I was kinda blown away. It is one of the most beautiful songs, ever, literally, ever.

Their EP Loves Crushing Diamond is well worth a listen. Especially for Advanced Falconry and Golden Wake.

I went to see them at the Deaf Institute in Manchester in May, a really quaint intimate venue it was ideal for a band like them.

Not only is their sound gentle and endearing so are the band themselves. Saying things like "we're much cooler over in the UK, in the US we just play house parties" and "can we film you booing us, we thought it would be funny".

It's a long time since I sat at a gig, but sitting, watching them, in awe of the beauty of their sound made for the perfect evening. It's a mixture of folk, classical and alternative -


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